ABF Welcomes New Director
The Arlington Boathouse Foundation is happy to announce Sean Bamman’s addition to our board of directors. A fourth-generation Arlingtonian, Sean is a graduate of Washington-Lee (now Liberty) (’92) and the University of Virginia (’96) and president of BCI, a telecom company he founded in January 2005. Passionate about rowing, Sean is focused on seeing the…
Read MoreJoin Us: Potomac River TR Island Clean-up!
Join us in the Potomac River Cleanup at Theodore Roosevelt Island! Saturday, January 13, 2024 Time: 2-5 pm Join Potomac Conservancy, Potomac Boat Club, Arlington Boathouse Foundation, and Georgetown University Crew for a safe, fun trash MLK Day cleanup at Theodore Roosevelt Island. Make a massive difference for the Potomac River as we turn to…
Read MoreArlington Families Show Support At Recent County Board Meeting
Parents, students, coaches, and community members attended the 10/14/23 Arlington County Board meeting to show their support for the boathouse project. Wakefield student-athlete Luke Thurston shared his thoughts with the board, expressing from the heart why the success of this project is so important to the high school programs and community as a whole. Failing…
Read MorePotomac Conservancy and Arlington Boathouse Riverside Chat- April 25th
The Potomac Conservancy is hosting a “riverside chat” about the boathouse project and you are invited to attend! Spend some quality time by the river to hear and talk about the project and our beautiful Potomac riverfront. In addition to the Conservancy and members of the Foundation, members of the Arlington County Parks and Recs…
Read MoreArlington County Boathouse Site Clean-up event 11/13
The Arlington Boathouse Foundation, the Northern Virginia Conservation Trust, Arlington County Parks, ICPRB, and Rosslyn BID are hosting a volunteer invasive species pull along the shoreline of the Potomac adjacent to Theodore Roosevelt Island. Join us for this volunteer opportunity and make a real difference in your community, as invasive plant species harm this land’s…
Read MoreBoathouse Site Vegetation Survey Completed
The Arlington Boathouse Foundation looks forward to helping to restore and maintain the native plant communities along the Rosslyn shoreline as an integral aspect of the proposed Arlington Community Boathouse. Healthy natural plant cover – including trees, bushes and forbs – not only improves and maintains water quality, but also provides important wildlife and fisheries…
Read MoreArlington County Board Approves CIP Including Arlington Boathouse
The Arlington County Board unanimously approved the FY 2023–2032 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) on July 19, 2022. The Plan includes $2.925M in adopted master planning funds for the Arlington Boathouse in FY2022 and additional potential funding in the out years of the CIP to support further project development. The full details of the CIP can be…
Read MoreJune River Clean-up Day!
Postponed! Update June 7th, 2022: after a review of the site we’ve found an extensive amount of poison ivy that we do not want to expose our community to. Likewise, we found the site much cleaner than we previously observed, which is great! We are going to hold off until next fall to meet at…
Read MoreARLnow Publishes New Article About The Project
Local online news source, ARLnow published a piece regarding the boathouse project and the launch of this ABF website. ABF Secretary George Kirschbaum offers some insight into the project both past and present. Check it out here: https://www.arlnow.com/2022/03/28/arlington-boathouse-booster-launch-website-to-track-progress-on-the-project/
Read MoreNew Haven- An Example of Inclusiveness
The piece published on the website Row2k.com in August of 2021 illustrates how access to water in a community, and the opportunities that bring can offer so much to kids and adults alike. Similar potential exists in Arlington when the boathouse project comes to fruition. Take a look, and read for yourself: https://www.row2k.com/features/5595/Crew-Haven-Strives-to-Bring-Rowing-to-the-Kids-of-New-Haven/
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